Conference Theme: Shared Resources

At a time when physical and financial resources seem alarmingly diminished but data is ever more accessible, this year's conference will focus on the ingenious ways that beginning design courses introduce the concept of shared resources at the global, regional, and institutional scale. This conference celebrates the dexterity and ingenuity of sharing to problem solve, to stretch resources, to utilize resources in ways that overlap, and to build community and resilience through group work. Shared Resources will be framed through faculty development of pedagogy in relation to research, design assessment, writing initiatives, design thinking exercises, and ideation techniques.

Important Dates

Jan 27, 2024 - Full Paper and Full Project Submission Deadline (Deadline Extended)

February 5, 2024 Upload of Presentations available

February 28, 2024 - Upload of Presentation(s) DUE

Feb 29–Mar 2, 2024 - NCBDS 39 Conference

Pedagogy and projects that focus on shared or scarce resources like water, air, energy, and materials. These projects may introduce physical, social, or economic borders and how to share solutions that cross those borders. For example, papers could discuss applying design thinking principles across large-scale systems such as those related to international trade or resiliency. Papers might emphasize collaboration and interaction through travel, community-involved projects, or digital learning communities and online educational resources. Pedagogy might also scaffold the accessibility and availability of data, information, or personnel that might not be always readily physically accessible.

Pedagogy and projects that celebrate and contextualize the culture and ecosystems of the places where our universities are located, where our students are from, and the diverse stakeholders within our regions as a basis for shared experience and the exchange of resources. This theme considers the transfer of knowledge between histories and cultural perspectives to provide learning environments that celebrate the sharing of resources. This theme may also include how design resources are shared to establish specific pedagogical connections with high schools, community colleges, and other universities.

Pedagogy and projects that find innovative ways to share spaces and technology. Projects and pedagogy may cross disciplines within the university or utilize research centers and other institutional resources like archives, museums, and libraries. For example: how foundation coursework might use a materials library, a digital resource center, or collaborate with faculty or students from another discipline. This includes projects and pedagogy in beginning design coursework that act as a shared resource and as foundation to coursework in later years, and how those curricular links are made explicit.

Presentation Upload Requirements

  • Paper: Presentation 15 minutes, Upload powerpoint and/or pdf (both if possible, to best prevent technical difficulty). For those attending NCBDS for the first time, the presentation time is typically shorter than needed for reading your entire paper. As such feel free to edit and augment with new findings. We suggest providing additional visual evidence beyond what is included in your paper in order to support or explain your thesis. This is also an opportunity to provide visual reference to related works discussed in your paper. The atmosphere will be supportive and encouraging. Format is individual to you.

  • Project: Presentation 5 minutes. Upload powerpoint and/or pdf (both if possible, to best prevent technical difficulty). Format will be similar to the Pecha Kucha or Tiny Ted presentations. Project sessions are energetic and quick moving! You are welcome to delve into a specific facet of your research, to make broader relational connections, or simply to mesmerize us. Format is individual to you.

  • For both presentation formats, how does your work relate to the conference theme of Shared Resources?

  • Each presentation room will have a computer for presentations - you do not need to present on your computer.


You selected keywords with your initial submission. You are not required to upload those keywords with your presentation.


Climate Change



Conceptual Design

Curriculum Development

Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

Design Iteration

Design Thinking

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Environmental Stewardship



Form and Function

Green infrastructure

Health and Human Well Being


Human Factors

Human-Centered Design


Information Design

Interactive Design

Interdisciplinary or Cross-disciplinary Study

Landscape Ecology

Layout Design

Light and Color

Manufacturing Processes

Material Innovation

Material Selection

Material Investigation


Online Course Delivery

Packaging Design


Product Development

Product Innovation

Product or Building Lifecycle


Public Spaces



Site Analysis


Technological Integration and Structure




Urban Green Spaces

User Experience (UX) Design

User-Centered Design

Visual Communication

Visual Identity